Can It Help You Sleep Like A Baby? : Sleep related issues are rising everyday and we already know the detrimental effects of it. According to the data presented by The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of three adults in the country of United States is not able to get enough sleep or rest every day. This is significantly huge number and it is alarming as to how many people from other countries as well are living with sleep deprivation. The main cause has been identified as stress, depression, anxiety, over thinking, over exhaustion, overuse of technology, etc.
So, experts have been coming up with different ways to induce restful sleep in people. One of the ways is practicing yoga right before going to bed. Yoga is known to be very calming and relaxing so much so that it can immediately make you feel sleepy. Let us see how you can do that.
Why You Should Practice Yoga Before Bed?
Here are 6 reasons you must practice yoga before bed:
- Yoga will help relax your mind
- Yoga can help you refocus from all the things that worry you
- Yoga can help treat symptoms of insomnia
- It can improve the quality of sleep as well as the quantity
- It can help your body feel relaxed too by easing the muscles and stretching your legs, back, shoulder, neck and the rest of the body. When you body is relaxed, you will automatically be able to go to sleep.
- Yoga involves deep breathing which can activate your parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ branch of the autonomic nervous system. This will help you unwind and relax.
Types Of Yoga You Can Do Before Going To Bed
What are the types of yoga you can practice? Here are some tips by experts:
- Firstly, the types of yoga that you must practice in the morning should be different from the ones you must practice at night.
- At night time, you are clocking out, you want to relax, not feel energised.
- Do the asanas which are simple yet relaxing.
- Practice the calming poses like seated forward folds
- Hip stretches
- Child’s pose
- Hamstring stretches
- Reclined twists
- Savasana or corpse pose
- All of these postures stimulate the parasympathetic (‘rest and digest’) branch of the autonomic nervous system and promote a calming internal focus.