Worried About Your Child’s Weight?

Worried About Your Child’s Weight? Add This Powder Mix To Their Food

Worried About Your Child’s Weight? : Parents often complain that their children are fussy eaters, because of which their growth is impacted. As a result, they look for innovative ways to pack in all the essential nutrients in their food, in the form of colourful dressings, interesting garnishing, funny shapes, etc. If nothing works out, they rush to the paediatrician to find out how to boost their child’s health and ensure they are in the normal weight range for their age.

But, there apparently is a simple solution for weight gain in kids. Ramita Kaur, a nutritionist, said that for parents worried about the low weight of their kids, there is a homemade powder mix — with ingredients readily available in the kitchen — that can help with healthy weight gain. The most interesting bit is that it can be added to other foods to enhance their taste.

The expert took to Instagram to share the simple recipe; take a look.


Almond — 20 g

Rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fibre

Sunflower seeds — 20 g

Rich in B vitamins, fibre, vitamin E , iron, zinc

Pumpkin seeds — 20 g

Rich in manganese, iron, zinc, antioxidants, magnesium, fibre

Sesame seeds — 20 g

Rich in calcium, vitamin E, selenium, iron, protein

Flax seeds — 20 g

Rich in omega 3, protein, fibre, antioxidants


  • Dry-roast all ingredients separately.
  • Then blend them all together to make a fine powder.
  • Store it and start by adding 1 tsp of the powder to curd, milk, porridge, shakes, chapati, etc.

It will leave a good taste in the mouth, and your child will get all the essential nutrients required to gain weight, too.

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