Hyperpigmentation During Pregnancy

Hyperpigmentation During Pregnancy: How Can You Manage The Symptoms?

Hyperpigmentation During Pregnancy : When a woman gets pregnant, their skin tends to become very sensitive. Many women undergo skin related problems like pimples, acne and other more serious problems like pigmentation. Experts always advice women to stay more careful and not expose their skin to harmful sun rays or toxins as these may exacerbate the condition.

Most of the skin problems during pregnancy are caused because of hormonal changes. As the body prepares for carrying the baby and day of delivery, the hormone levels start to increase or decrease. There is also increase blood flow which impacts pigmentation.

Types Of Pigmentation You May Experience During Pregnancy

Hyperpigmentation During Pregnancy

Know the types of skin pigmentation:

Linea Nigra

Linea Nigra is a condition in which a dark line runs horizontally down the abdomen. This is because during pregnancy, there is a significant rise in the melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). This is also responsible in creating extra melanin.


Melasma is caused due to hormonal changes in the body. The main symptoms are dark grey or brown spots on the cheekbones, forehead or upper lip. During pregnancy, there is a fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone which causes melanin formation on some areas of the skin.

Pre-existing Moles Get Darker

If you have moles on your body, you may notice it getting darker during pregnancy. This is absolutely normal. It happens because of melanin production in the body.

How To Protect Your Skin?

Take these steps to protect your skin:

  • Always keep your skin protected from harsh sun rays. Exposure to UV rays can exacerbate conditions like melasma. Make sure to wear sunscreen even on cloudy days. You can take other precautions also like, wearing good coverage clothes, sunglasses and hat.
  • Apply glycolic acid, azelaic acid and lactic acid on the pigmented area. These products can really help your skin and does not harm your unborn child.
  • Keep your skin hydrated at all times. This will also improve your skins appearance and keep it well maintained.
  • Pregnant women’s skin is very sensitive and this is why, you should steer clear of any products that might exacerbate the symptoms.
  • Use a moisturiser at all times.
  • However irritating these skin symptoms are during pregnancy, they very rarely last. Right after your delivery, all these problems will automatically go away. This is because; your hormones will start coming back to normal levels after labour day.

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